CTC Aims to Eliminate Its CO2 Emissions by 2050

Establishing the 2050 CTC Environmental Declaration on Medium- to Long-Term Environmental Targets

Apr 03, 2019 ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Corporation

ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Corporation (Satoshi Kikuchi, President & CEO; headquartered in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; hereinafter “CTC”) aims to combat global warming and contribute to achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and has established the 2050 CTC Environmental Declaration on medium- to long-term environmental targets. This declaration calls for a 30% reduction in the CO2 emissions of the CTC Group’s business activities compared with their 2015 level by 2030 and the elimination of these emissions by 2050.

Against the backdrop of the international global warming countermeasure framework of the Paris Agreement, the expansion of environmental, social and governance (ESG) investments, and the worldwide efforts for achieving the SDGs, initiatives against climate change are urgently needed as corporate social responsibility measures.

Based on our mission of “leveraging IT’s potential to change the future for the Global Good,” CTC aims to keep its businesses in harmony with the global environment through the mitigation of, and adaptation to, climate change; the effective use of resources; conservation of biodiversity; and other initiatives. In these efforts, CTC has set medium- to long-term environmental targets for CO2 emissions of the Group’s business activities with a view to making continuous contributions to global warming countermeasures.

CTC is striving to eliminate its CO2 emissions by 2050, promoting energy saving with IoT, AI, and other cutting-edge technologies, creating innovation using IT, taking advantage of renewable energy, and utilizing non-fossil fuel energy certificates, green electric power certificates, and other such means.

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ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Corporation, Corporate Communications Dept.


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