CTC introduces Integrated Support Service for Solar Power Business

Provides a one-stop service from solar power yield survey to business development support and technical consulting

Aug 17, 2012 ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Corporation

ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Corporation (President & CEO: Satoshi kikuchi; head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; hereinafter, "CTC") has introduced an integrated solar power business support service to assist with commercialization of solar power. In addition to the solar power yield survey CTC has provided since 2009, this service will identify risks in business development, and conduct technical consulting covering proposals to reduce risks and performance testing as it expands to provide one-stop support for commercialization. Sales of one billion yen are targeted over the next three years.

In line with the introduction of a feed-in tariff (FIT) for renewable energy from July 1, there have been increasing numbers of companies entering the solar power business and companies providing loans or making capital participation in solar power operators. Solar power business and companies requires the evaluation of amount of solar radiation, solar power yield and the structuring of power generation facilities in accordance with the installation environment for the facility based on long-term climatic condition assessment and projections to ensure stable power supply.

CTC's new energy services and record of results

CTC has for some time offered services related to new energy, such as E-PLSM*1 cloud service to provide support from planning of regional energy management to the operation and evaluation stage, and an SaaS*2 system to forecast wind power generation output, a service to support wind and solar power generation businesses from design to operation. CTC has worked on more than 30 solar power yield surveys over the past three years, both domestically and abroad, and in the wind power generation, it has been involved in almost 50% of the installed domestic wind power business, ranging from technical consulting including wind resource assessment, to wind power forecasts. CTC also participates in consigned study projects for potential for the introduction of renewable energyin Japan and the establishment of annual wind variability database in the Tohoku district, commissioned by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of the Environment. It is also involved in experimental studies on promoting introduction of offshore wind power generation and on smart grids.

Integrated solar power business support service

In the solar power business support service, CTC will provide integrated support starting from business design, such as locational surveys, to various procedures for related organizations, supervision of the construction process such as in performance tests, and even support in the operational process including operation and maintenance. From a solar power plant design such as longitude and latitude, surrounding structures and the installed angle of solar panels of the facilities and installation environment, the service will estimate the amount of solar radiation and power yield from climatic factors such as solar radiation, temperature and wind velocity, and evaluate feasibility. Through a power yield survey, technical verification of the power generation facilities and environmental verification, CTC will also identify risks and provide technical consultancy to establish measures to reduce those risks. And using CTC's superior information technology it will provide solutions to support stable operation of solar power business.

CTC will continue to strengthen its new energy business using the expertise obtained through a range of experimental studies.

Contents of technical consulting service for solar power business

The technical consulting service will identify and reduce business risks to power generation operators and lenders through the following survey and verification work:

  1. Solar Power yield survey
  2. Technical verification of power generation facilities
  3. Verification, advice, etc., concerning the contents of contracts for the project
  4. Proposal of conditions for/verification of completion and performance evaluation, etc.
  5. Verify environmental issues
  6. Verify cash flow model
  7. Progress monitoring
  8. Verification of completion of work and performance test run results
Contents of technical consulting service for solar power business

Flow of solar power business process and integrated solar power business support service

The service will support all processes of the solar power business.

Flow of solar power business process and integrated solar power business support service
  • *1 About E-PLSM : E-PLSM is a cloud service supporting the planning of energy management to the stages of operation and evaluation in a region. The "E" in E-PLSM stands for Energy, Economy, Environment and Ecology and PLSM is an acronym for "PLatform for Simulation and Management". Use of E-PLSM allows simulation of energy optimization and evaluation of economic feasibility for installation of wind and solar generation facilities, with concurrent installation of storage batteries in the region in the planning stages of smart communities. In the operating stage, it provides real-time monitoring of facilities and economic feasibility via the sale of electricity to enable smart community operations to be made based on the PDCA cycle.
  • *2 SaaS for wind power generation output forecasting system : This is a system for prior calculation of the total amount of wind power generation output within the area using a unique algorithm combining multiple statistical models. This is based on numerical forecast data (GPV) published by the Japan Meteorological Agency and the total power actually generated by wind generators in the area. It allows the wind power generation output to be forecast for the next day, enabling support of operation of the power line system. Since it is SaaS, costs are low and it can be introduced within a short timeframe.

Contact Information

ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Corporation, Corporate Communications Dept.


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