ISO26000 Reference Table

ISO26000 Content Index

Our reports display the information listed under the seven core subjects of the ISO26000 international standard.

Organizational Governance

Issues Page Displayed
Organizational Governance

Human Rights

Issues Page Displayed
1: Due diligence CTC Group Code of Conduct
2: Human rights risk situations -
3: Avoidance of complicity -
4: Resolving grievances -
5: Discrimination and vulnerable groups Efforts Towards Diversity
6: Civil and political rights -
7: Economic, social and cultural rights Promoting a Healthy Work-Life Balance
8: Fundamental principles and rights at work Promoting a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Labor Practices

Issues Page Displayed
1: Employment and employment relationships Efforts Towards Diversity
2: Conditions of work and social protection Promoting a Healthy Work-Life Balance
3: Social dialogue Labor-Management Related Issues
4: Health and safety at work Employee Health Management
5: Human development and training in the workplace Human Resources Development

The Environment

Fair Operating Practices

Issues Page Displayed
1: Anti-corruption
2: Responsible political involvement
3: Fair competition
4: Promoting social responsibility in the value chain Relationship with Our Suppliers
5: Respect for property rights -

Consumer Issues

Issues Page Displayed
1: Fair marketing, factual and unbiased information and fair contractual practices Compliance
2: Protecting consumers' health and safety -
3: Sustainable consumption CTC Around Us
4: Consumer service, support, and complaint and dispute resolution Relationship with Our Clients
5: Consumer data protection and privacy Information Security
6: Access to essential services -
7: Education and awareness -

Community Involvement and Development

Issues Page Displayed
1: Community involvement Relationship with Local Communities and Society
2: Education and culture
3: Employment creation and skills development
4: Technology development and access
5: Wealth and income creation
6: Health
7: Social investment
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