Environmental Activities Policy


The CTC Group aims to keep its businesses in harmony with the global environment, addresses issues including climate change, the effective use of resources and the preservation of biodiversity, and strives to improve environmental management systems in a sustained manner.

1. Solution of Environmental Issues Faced by Customers

The CTC Group seeks to offer value such as environmental load reduction and eco-efficiency improvement with the application of IT by solving the environmental issues faced by customers.

2. Reduction of Environmental Footprint in Business Processes

The CTC Group proactively promotes initiatives including those for saving energy, saving resources, reducing waste and greening procurement, and works to reduce its environmental footprint and prevent pollution in business processes.

3. Compliance with Relevant Laws, Regulations, Etc.

The CTC Group observes laws and regulations associated with environmental preservation and other items to which it agrees.

4. Enhancement of Environmental Awareness

The CTC Group makes its environmental policy known to all its directors and employees. At the same time, the CTC Group works to raise environmental awareness through education and informative activities.

Tatsushi Shingu
President & CEO
ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Corporation (CTC)

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