Revised in April 2024, the above targets for the reduction of GHG emissions have been recognized as science-based targets (SBT) for reduction that are consistent with the standards the Paris Agreement expects companies to achieve by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), an international certification organization relating to climate change.
Environmental Initiatives
The CTC Group is deeply aware of the importance of reducing the amount of energy it uses (as part of our efforts to prevent global warming), promoting the effective utilization of resources and preserving biodiversity, such that a sustainable global environment may be passed on to future generations; and is engaged in various environmental improvement activities.
Environmental Activities Policy
The CTC Group has established an Environmental Activities Policy based on its corporate philosophy, and is working to fulfill its social responsibilities as a good corporate citizen, aiming to achieve harmony between its business activities and the global environment.
Click here to see details of our Environmental Activities Policy
CTC Group Environmental Declaration
The CTC Group includes “contribution to addressing climate change” in its material issues.
Our target is to reduce Scopes 1 and 2 emissions by 50% and Scope 3 emissions by 25% versus the FY level by FY.
We also have the target of achieving net zero emissions throughout our value chains by as we seek to reduce GHG emissions.
CTC Group's Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Targets (Reference year: FY2022)
Short-term targets |
Long-term targets |
- *Net zero means reducing total Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions by 90% or more, and neutralizing the remaining emissions by investing in absorption/storage solutions. (90% reduction of Scope 3 emissions should be achieved by 2050.)

Environmental Management System
In addition to contributing to the reduction of environmental burdens by our clients as one aspect of our CSR activities through our businesses, we are also working to reduce environmental burdens associated with our own business activities by driving environmental improvement initiatives under our environmental management system framework, which centers around the use of PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycles.
We have attained ISO14001 certification at Eleven companies and 23 bases of the CTC Group (20 bases in Japan and three base overseas), and are engaged in efforts to expand this number further. We are also working to drive environmental improvement activities at business locations across the entire CTC Group, regardless of their ISO certification status.
(List of) Group Companies with ISO14001 certification (as of August-end 2024)
- ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Corporation
- CTC TECHNOLOGY Corporation
- CTC System Management Corporation
- CTCSP Corporation
- CTC Facilities Corporation
- CTC Business Service Corporation
- CTC Business Expert Corporation
- CTC HINARI Corporation
- CTC Global Pte. Ltd.
- PT. Nusantara Compnet Integrator
- PT. Pro Sistimatika Automasi
Environmental Management Structure
We engage in group-wide environmental improvement activities under the COO, Environmental Initiatives and Environmental Control Manager; with our Environmental Managers and Eco Leaders and Deputy Eco Leaders (who are responsible for driving environmental activities) in their particular departments, including at group companies, taking a central role in these activities.

Environmental Improvement Activities
Based on Groupwide environmental targets, each organization works to reduce environmental impact by using virtualization and cloud technologies to improve the efficiency and cut the energy consumption of client IT systems. The Group also strives to reduce its own energy usage by encouraging staff to start work earlier in order to cut electricity consumption at offices at night time. CTC has been certified as an S-class company,the highest grade.
Environmental Education
We conduct environmental education for the entire CTC Group via e-learning on an annual basis. For Eco Leaders and Deputy Eco Leaders, we conduct training courses via e-learning to equip them with the necessary capabilities to drive environmental activities throughout the year.
Environmental Compliance Status
We conduct periodic checks for changes and revisions to laws and regulations, and check our compliance status on a regular basis. We also conduct annual internal audits. No violations of environmental laws or regulations (such as atmospheric pollution or waste disposal issues) have taken place over the last three years.
Click here to see details of our response to laws and regulations
Environmental accounting
Domestic environmental conservation costs are as follows.
Aggregation scope : ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Corporation
Period covered : April - March next year
Environmental protection cost
(Unit: million)
Classification | FY2019 | FY2020 | FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 |
(1) Cost within business area | 521.2 | 814.1 | 792.5 | 815.6 | 1,072.9 |
(2) Upstream / downstream cost | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
(3) Management activity cost | 54.2 | 52.8 | 69.0 | 100.0 | 98.0 |
(4) Research and development costs | 11.5 | 20.5 | 66.4 | 354.8 | 155.2 |
(5) Social activity cost | 10.8 | 6.5 | 3.8 | 6.5 | 11.9 |
(6) Environmental damage handling cost | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total | 597.7 | 893.9 | 931.7 | 1,276.9 | 1,338.0 |
Response to climate change (Disclosures based on the TCFD recommendations)
Introduces CTC's efforts towards respnse to climate change (Disclosures based on the TCFD recommendations)
Effective Utilization of Resources
Presents the state of the CTC Group's efforts to increase the percentage of waste recycled into resources and minimize the use of paper, etc.
Click here to see details of our effective utilization of resources
Reducing Environmental Burdens
CTC checks with vendors regarding the status of all the products it handles with respect to RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) directives, etc., and shares the latest, up-to-date information throughout the CTC Group.
Biodiversity Conservation Initiatives
Support for nature and biodiversity protection activities
The CTC Group supports the preservation of the environment and biodiversity. Such support includes donations to initiatives whose aims the Group endorses. Examples of such initiatives are Biodiversity Conservation projects by WWF Japan (as of September 2024); the Keidanren Nature Conservation Fund; the Morino Project, which seeks to preserve natural capital by cultivating forests that protect people from disasters; and more trees, an organization for preserving forests by forming connections between forests and cities.
Tree Planting Project
CTC Group employees are engaging in tree planting project in the Sen-nen Kibou no Oka (hill of thousand-year hopes) support program in Iwamura City, Miyagi Prefecture to help rebuilding the affected area and to protect the lives of local resident when disasters strike.