Quality Improvement Activities

Quality Policy

We provide high quality services
by upgrading IT into Takumi-no-Waza

Tatsushi Shingu
President & CEO
ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Corporation (CTC)

*as of 2024


Quality Improvement Initiatives

The CTC Group is engaged in the following quality improvement initiatives.

Quality Improvement Initiatives

Initiatives to Improve Quality of Systems Development Services

Ensuring quality in SI processes and raising the quality of our development and SI services

Establishment and application of SINAVI

CTC is advancing the standardization of various work tasks with the aim of improving task quality and productivity in the development process; by standardizing project management, quality management, the development process and the development environment, organizing them into systematic SI standard systems (SINAVI), and proactively applying this system to development projects. We are also aiming to achieve integrated quality improvement by promoting the adoption and application of SINAVI at partner companies both in Japan and overseas.


SINAVI(P) Project Management: Sound project advancement

CTC develops guidelines for project managers, and shares specific knowledge for ensuring sound project management. We have also constructed organizational frameworks for ensuring that projects are appropriately controlled.

SINAVI(Q) Quality Management: ISO9001-compliiant quality management system

CTC implements group-wide organizational activities in order to provide systems based on the quality requirements of clients. We have constructed a Quality Management System (CQMS), and many organizational units have obtained ISO9001 certification.

SINAVI(M) Standard Processes: standardized development and infrastructure-building processes

CTC has established standardized development and infrastructure-building processes. We advance projects by sharing information about the development approach with stakeholders at an early stage in the development, and giving them an idea of how the final deliverables for the project will look.

Standardization: standard processes (Japanese Only)

SINAVI(E) Development Environment: Development environments that meet industry standards

CTC has established development frameworks based on the OSS industry standard. We have also proactively introduced various development support tools, and are driving gains in quality and efficiency in development projects.

Initiatives to Improve Quality of Products

Ensuring product quality and raising the quality of our infrastructure building services

Initiatives to Improve the Quality of Our Products

At CTC, we are engaged in the following initiatives to improve the quality of our products.

(1) Quality Meetings with Product Vendors

To improve the quality of our products, we communicate frequently with product vendors. We also hold monthly Quality Meetings with major product vendors and share quality targets with them. At these meetings, we deliver reports to our product vendors including the voices of clients and the status of products, and make requests for proactive responses to these reports. Where necessary, we also hold Quality Forums including the senior person responsible for quality at overseas product vendors, and seek to improve quality through sufficient communication.

(2) Quality Management

Quality Management

We have created a Quality Management System, and are working continuously to improve our processes with the objective of enhancing both client satisfaction and product quality.

In , we obtained ISO9001: 2000 certification for our shipping inspection work processes.

Initiatives to Improve Quality of Maintenance & Operation Services

Providing safe and secure maintenance and operation services that offer peace of mind

Initiatives to Improve the Quality of Our Maintenance & Operation Services

At CTC, we are engaged in the following initiatives to provide safe and stable systems to support our clients' businesses.

Quality Management and Human Error Zero Activities

We have created a Quality Management System, and are working continuously to improve our processes with the objective of enhancing both client satisfaction and product quality.
We are also striving to reduce human errors by system engineers (SE), who create work procedures, and customer engineers (CE), who are responsible for the actual execution of work tasks; and are engaged in Human Error Zero (HEZ) activities to improve the quality of our work. We also seek to raise awareness among SEs and CEs through year-round risk prediction (KY) training.

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